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Basic Task Description

This task was designed by Ty Cannon and David Glahn as a verbal analogue to the SCAP (spatial capacity task). It has been run in a number of local samples, including Aftercare (first episode), ABBRC (adolescent psychosis), CAPPS (prodromal), and NF1 (neurofibromatosis).

This task manipulates verbal working memory load using arrays of letters. The loads are selected to be behaviorally analogous to the SCAP loads.

Loads: 3,5,7,9 letters

We employed a modified Sternberg item recognition task (Sternberg, 1966 S. Sternberg, High-speed scanning in human memory, Science 153 (1966), pp. 652–654. View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus (758)Sternberg, 1966). A target set of 3, 5, 7, or 9 yellow uppercase consonants was displayed for 2 s, followed by a 3-s fixation. A green uppercase probe then appeared for 3 s, followed by 1 s of fixation before the next trial. Subjects indicated whether the probe matched the target set. The task included 12 trials per load, which were clustered by load into two-trial long blocks; presentation order of the blocks was counterbalanced, but remained the same for all subjects.
Karlsgodt, 2007

Task Procedure

Task Structure Detail

Task Schematic

Task Parameters Table


Dependent Variables

Cleaning Rules


Data Distributions
