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Basic Task Description

The Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART) is a computerized behavioral measure of risky decision-making, developed by Carl Lejuez (Lejuez et al., 2002). Balloons are presented on a computer screen, one balloon per trial, and the examinee can “pump” the balloons up by pressing a response key, virtually inflating the balloons (i.e., they increase in size). Each time a balloon is pumped up, a set amount of money or points is earned on that trial (e.g., 5 cents per pump). However, after a certain number of pumps (determined probabilistically), the balloons explode and no money or points are earned on that trial. Thus, the examinee must decide when to “cash out” of a given trial to put the trial money/points into a cumulative bank, by pressing a “cash out” response key. If a balloon explodes prior to cashing out, no money is earned on that particular trial. The objective is for the examinee to earn as much money or points as possible across the task. Versions of the BART vary with respect to the number of trials/balloons used, as well as the probability of explosions [e.g., some tasks have used balloons with a single probability of explosion (e.g., Lejuez et al., 2003), while others have used different-colored balloons with different probabilities of explosion (e.g., Lejuez et al., 2002; Dean et al., 2011)]. The primary dependent variable of the task is the mean or total number of pumps on trials in which the balloon did not explode; these have been termed adjusted pumps. Adjusted pumps are preferred to absolute pumps because explosions artificially restrict the range of pumping behavior (for evidence of the bias associated with absolute pumps see Pleskac et al. 2008).

Task Procedure

Our version of the BART task was programmed in E-Prime 2.0. It consists of 40 total trials, with balloons that are colored red or blue (20 of each color). Red balloons are relatively “high risk”; the probability of explosion on each red balloon is randomly selected from a range of 1 to 32 pumps. Blue balloons are “low risk", in which the probability of explosion is randomly selected from a range of 1 to 128 pumps. The order of balloon color across trials was randomized. Examinees are given 5 points for each adjusted pump. In our version of the task, participants are not paid for their performance.

At the beginning of the task, instructions are presented on the screen in yellow, size 16 Arial font, with a black screen background. In order to reduce learning affects on pumping behavior, the examinees are informed at the outset that two different balloons are used with different explosion tendencies (see Wallsten et al., 2005 for consideration of this issue). The instructions are as follows:

  • In the following game, you pump up a balloon.
  • Your goal is to earn as many points as possible.
  • You can get 5 points for each pump!
  • However, when the balloon explodes, you get no points.
  • You can save your points by choosing to stop pumping before the balloon explodes. There are two different balloons and they are different in how much they can be inflated before they explode.
  • There are a set number of trials in this experiment, so try to maximize your points on each trial.

These instructions are reiterated on following screens, in which the buttons used for pumping and cashing out are indicated. If the subject is right-handed (this information is entered into the program during start-up), the pumping key is the left key on a 3-button keypad, while the cash-out key is the right key. In contrast, if the examinee is left handed, this button mapping is reversed (i.e., pumping with the right key, and cashing-out with the left key). The placement of the keypad is also oriented on the right or left side of the examinee in accordance with handedness.

After the examinee expresses understanding of the task, the experimental session begins. A blank screen with a fixation cross is briefly shown (500 milliseconds), and then the first balloon is presented (red or blue). Text is placed below the balloon image to indicate which key press is used for pumping and which is used for cashing in (i.e., serving as a reminder). Balloons are presented centrally on an all white screen background. The first balloon image is 152 X 152 pixels in size. After one pump, another balloon image is presented instantaneously with a size of 154 X 154 pixels. The balloon size increases in height and width by 2 pixels with each successive pump, giving the appearance of being inflated. This continues until the examinee cashes out or the balloon explodes, whichever occurs first. Upon explosion, an image of a ruptured balloon is presented of comparable size to the last balloon image. After both cash outs and explosions, a rectangular yellow text box is presented on the screen for 1500 milliseconds which shows the examinee’s current Total Points in black text (Arial size 16 font). In the case of an explosion, this total will be identical to the previous trial’s total because no points have been earned. Note that accumulated points are only shown at the end of a given trial, and are not shown as the examinee is pumping. After the previous trail is concluded, a blank screen with a central fixation cross is presented for 500 milliseconds, followed by presentation of the next balloon/trial. This process continues until the 40th balloon is completed. Afterward, a black screen is presented which thanks the participant for his/her participation, and shows a yellow text box with the Grand Total Points earned (Arial size 16 font, yellow text). The task is self-paced and takes approximately 10 minutes, depending on the examinee's behavior.

Task Structure Detail

  • Task Structure
    • The BART has a series of instructional screens at the outset, followed by the experimental session comprised of 40 balloon trials.
      • Six instructional screens. Screens are advanced with a right mouse click from the examiner.
        • 1. Basic task description.
        • 2. Placement of hands and keys used for pumping and stopping (mapped based on handedness).
        • 3. Pumping description and appearance of balloon.
        • 4. Explosion description and appearance of exploded balloon.
        • 5. Reiteration of key used to stop pumping/cash in (mapped based on handedness).
        • 6. Questions screen prior to beginning task.
      • Experimental trials (40 trials). All experimental trials are preceded by a fixation cross screen.
        • Fixation cross (500 ms) screen with blank white background.
        • Balloon trial 1. Red or blue balloon presented (randomized).
          • Within-trial structure
            • Pumping increases balloon size with successively enlarged images (self-paced).
            • Participant cashes out or the balloon explodes.
            • Total points earned screen presented for 1500 ms.
        • Balloon trial 2 begins after a fixation cross screen, and this is sequence is repeated for 40 trials.
      • End. Thank you screen presented. Grand Total Points also displayed.
    • Timing
      • Instruction screens are static until advanced by examiner with a right mouse click.
      • Fixation cross screens (500 ms).
      • Balloon images are static until participant presses the pump key. Pressing the pump key instantaneously presents the following balloon image (either a slightly larger balloon or an exploded balloon).
      • Images of an exploded balloon are presented for 1500 ms, with Total Points text underneath.
      • When the participant cashes out, just the Total Points text is presented for 1500 ms.
      • The ending thank you screen is static until advanced by the examiner with right mouse click.
  • Stimulus Characteristics
    • sensory modality: Visual. Balloons are either red or blue. Balloon images start with a size of 154 X 154 pixels and are increased in height and width by 2 pixels with each pump. The fixation cross is black text in size 18 bold font in Comic Sans MS.
    • functional modality: visuoperceptual and linguistic (understanding of text).
    • presentation modality: computer display, no audio, directions are assisted by examiner.
  • Response Characteristics
    • responses required: left or right key press for pumping or cashing in. Button mapping is based on handedness.
      • effector modality: Manual button press.
      • functional modality: Manual button press.
    • response options (e.g., yes/no, go/no-go, forced choice, multiple choice [specify n of options], free response): yes/no, pump or cashout.
    • response collection (e.g., examiner notes, keyboard, keypad, mouse, voice key, button press): Button press and recording of responses in Eprime 2.0.

Task Schematic

Schematic of the Balloon Analogue Risk Task

Blue 001.JPG Blue 002.JPG Blue 003.JPG (cash out) Total Points: XX

Red 001.JPG Red 002.JPG Red exp 003.JPG (explosion) Total Points: XX

Task Parameters Table



Stimuli consist of red or blue balloons which begin with a size of 154 X 154 pixels and are increased in height and width by 2 pixels with each pump. When a balloon explodes, an image comparable in size and color is displayed as a burst balloon for 1500 ms.

A white screen with a black fixation cross (size 18 bold font in Comic Sans MS) is presented for 500 ms before every balloon trial.

Dependent Variables

The primary dependent variable is the mean number of pumps on trials in which the balloon did not explode; these have been termed adjusted pumps. Adjusted pumps are preferred to absolute pumps because explosions artificially restrict the range of pumping behavior (for evidence of the bias associated with absolute pumps see Pleskac et al. 2008).

Because the red and blue balloons differ considerably in their probability of explosion, it may also be useful to analyze the mean adjusted pumps on the red and blue balloons separately. In addition, because participants will likely adapt to the task over time, adjusted pumps for each balloon color on each quartile of trials (1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40) can be analyzed to determine how performance changes over time. Note here that mean adjusted pumps for each quartile likely vary in terms of the number of trials averaged (due to explosions and the fact that balloon color is randomized across the task). Other variables of interest may include the number of adjusted pumps on red and blue balloons which immediately follow an explosion, and the number of explosions for each balloon color. Lastly, because variability in pumping behavior has been shown to be important in animal models (Jentsch et al., 2010), the coefficient of variation of adjusted pumps can be examined across balloons, and in the red and blue balloons separately (coefficient of variation = standard deviation of adjusted pumps divided by the mean adjusted pumps).

Table of all available variables


Cleaning Rules

In checking the data, it is first important to determine if the task was completed. This can be done by checking the BART_TRIALCOMP variable which indicates how many trials were completed. It should be 40 trials for each participant; if not, exclude the subject. A second variable to check is the BART_CASHOUTWOPUMP variable, which indicates how many times the participant cashed out of a trial without pumping at all. While this may happen on occasion as an accident (e.g., when the participant is beginning the task and is getting used to the buttons used), we recommend excluding subjects who did this more than 2 times on a given administration. This will exclude participants who may have cashed out immediately as a way to complete the task faster. Lastly, the distribution of explosions and mean pumps can be checked across participants (all data must be within the range of possibility; see Variable Table for possible ranges), and participants with very extreme behavior (e.g., > 3 standard deviations above or below the mean) can be considered for exclusion.


Two scoring procedures are provided in the following text. The first is a relatively inefficient method which derives variables from eprime files (specifically, E-Merge files), and then imports this data into SPSS to run two scripts for calculation of the final variables. Using this method requires that you have eprime 2.0 and SPSS installed on your computer. The second method is a more streamlined approach which derives the final variables from the individual eprime text files. This latter method is used by the CNP biostatistics core.

E-prime to SPSS scoring method:

1) Open up e-prime studio, go to Tools, and click E-Merge. Find the individual BART files you want to merge together in the left pane of the screen (displayed in the main screen), hold down Control and highlight them all. Then hit the Merge tab. Save the new merge. For some reason when you go to open that new merge file it may be empty, so go to open file and select it again to open it up.

2) In the merge file go to Tools and click Batch Analysis. You can then select more than one of the pre-made scripts for scoring. At the Batch window, hit Add Files, then find the Overall analyses by row script, and hit open. Then find the Number of trials cash out with no pumps and the Mean Median SD RT data and add them. Once they’re all there, hit the Excel tab and it will send all the results to an excel spreadsheet, with each one of the scripts represented on a different tab. For some reason the Overall analyses by row page is called Presses by color each subject in excel, even though all the required data is there.

3) Delete the information at the top of the excel sheet so that you can import the data into SPSS. When you go to open the excel sheet in SPSS, you can select which excel tab you want displayed. You probably just want to open the Presses by color each subject (overall analyses) tab, which will provide you with the primary dependent variables (other variables, such as reaction time and the number of times a participant cashes out without pumping, are already available in the appropriate excel tab).

4) Once the overall analyses are in SPSS, open up the syntax called BART create additional variables for calculations. This will make the additional variables you need to get the primary variables later. After you run this syntax, make sure to DEFINE -9998 AS MISSING FOR EACH VARIABLE IN THE ENTIRE SPSS DATASET. IF YOU DON’T DO THIS, ALL THE SUBSEQUENT CALUCATIONS WILL BE TOTALLY WRONG.

5) After you’ve run the above syntax, open up the BART calculate primary variables only after missing variables have been defined syntax, and run it. This will create pretty much all the variables you need.

Here are the eprime scripts mentioned above:

Overall analyses by row.anl

Presses by color each subject {Begin Comments

} {Begin Filters } {Begin Rows Subject 1 } {Begin Cols Trial 1 } {Begin Data Trial 1 WhichBalloon 4 ExplodeAtt 0 } {Begin Options 0 1 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 200 1 Trial:CountNum, WhichBalloon:Mean, ExplodeAtt:Total by Subject and Trial 1 Trial:CountNum, WhichBalloon:Mean, ExplodeAtt:Total }

Mean Median SD RT data.anl

Mean Median SD RT data {Begin Comments

} {Begin Filters } {Begin Rows Subject 1 } {Begin Cols } {Begin Data Stimulus.RT 4 Stimulus.RT 12 Stimulus.RT 8 } {Begin Options 0 1 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 300 1 Stimulus.RT:Mean, Stimulus.RT:Median, Stimulus.RT:StdDevP by Subject 1 Stimulus.RT:Mean, Stimulus.RT:Median, Stimulus.RT:StdDevP }

Number of trials cash out with no pumps.anl trials cash out no pumps {Begin Comments

} {Begin Filters ExplodeAtt 0

PointsBalloon 0.00

} {Begin Rows Subject 1 } {Begin Cols } {Begin Data Trial 1 } {Begin Options 0 1 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 30 1 Trial:CountNum by Subject 1 Trial:CountNum }

These are the SPSS scripts:

BART create additional variables for calculations.

  • This subtracts one from all presses per trial (1-40) to account for the fact that one button press was either a cash-out or an explosion.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial1=CountNumTrial1 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial2=CountNumTrial2 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial3=CountNumTrial3 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial4=CountNumTrial4 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial5=CountNumTrial5 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial6=CountNumTrial6 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial7=CountNumTrial7 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial8=CountNumTrial8 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial9=CountNumTrial9 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial10=CountNumTrial10 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial11=CountNumTrial11 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial12=CountNumTrial12 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial13=CountNumTrial13 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial14=CountNumTrial14 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial15=CountNumTrial15 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial16=CountNumTrial16 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial17=CountNumTrial17 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial18=CountNumTrial18 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial19=CountNumTrial19 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial20=CountNumTrial20 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial21=CountNumTrial21 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial22=CountNumTrial22 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial23=CountNumTrial23 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial24=CountNumTrial24 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial25=CountNumTrial25 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial26=CountNumTrial26 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial27=CountNumTrial27 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial28=CountNumTrial28 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial29=CountNumTrial29 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial30=CountNumTrial30 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial31=CountNumTrial31 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial32=CountNumTrial32 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial33=CountNumTrial33 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial34=CountNumTrial34 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial35=CountNumTrial35 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial36=CountNumTrial36 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial37=CountNumTrial37 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial38=CountNumTrial38 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial39=CountNumTrial39 - 1. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE CountNumTrial40=CountNumTrial40 - 1. EXECUTE.

  • This changes the number of pumps for each trial (1-40) to missing (-9998) if there was an explosion on that trial.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt1 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial1 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt2 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial2 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt3 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial3 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt4 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial4 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt5 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial5 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE. DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt6 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial6 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt7 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial7 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt8 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial8 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt9 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial9 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt10 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial10 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt11 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial11 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE. DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt12 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial12 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt13 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial13 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt14 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial14 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt15 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial15 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt16 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial16 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt17 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial17 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt18 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial18 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt19 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial19 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt20 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial20 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt21 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial21 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt22 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial22 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt23 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial23 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt24 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial24 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt25 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial25 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt26 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial26 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt27 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial27 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt28 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial28 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt29 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial29 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt30 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial30 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt31 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial31 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt32 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial32 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt33 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial33 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt34 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial34 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt35 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial35 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt36 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial36 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt37 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial37 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt38 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial38 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt39 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial39 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt40 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial40 (ELSE=-9998). END IF. EXECUTE.

  • This creates variables for each ballloon (1-40) for each color. This is unfortunately needed so that a variable is created for every possible color-trial scenario to calculate the pumps by color and by quaritle later.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon1 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial1 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue1. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon2 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial2 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue2. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon3 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial3 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue3. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon4 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial4 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue4. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon5 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial5 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue5. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon6 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial6 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue6. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon7 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial7 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue7. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon8 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial8 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue8. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon9 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial9 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue9. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon10 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial10 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue10. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon11 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial11 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue11. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon12 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial12 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue12. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon13 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial13 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue13. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon14 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial14 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue14. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon15 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial15 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue15. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon16 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial16 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue16. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon17 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial17 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue17. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon18 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial18 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue18. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon19 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial19 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue19. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon20 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial20 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue20. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon21 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial21 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue21. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon22 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial22 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue22. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon23 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial23 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue23. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon24 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial24 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue24. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon25 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial25 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue25. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon26 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial26 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue26. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon27 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial27 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue27. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon28 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial28 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue28. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon29 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial29 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue29. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon30 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial30 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue30. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon31 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial31 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue31. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon32 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial32 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue32. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon33 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial33 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue33. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon34 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial34 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue34. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon35 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial35 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue35. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon36 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial36 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue36. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon37 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial37 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue37. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon38 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial38 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue38. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon39 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial39 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue39. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon40 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial40 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Blue40. END IF. EXECUTE.

  • Similarly, this creates new variables for all of the red ballloons.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon1 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial1 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red1. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon2 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial2 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red2. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon3 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial3 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red3. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon4 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial4 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red4. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon5 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial5 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red5. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon6 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial6 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red6. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon7 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial7 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red7. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon8 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial8 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red8. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon9 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial9 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red9. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon10 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial10 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red10. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon11 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial11 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red11. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon12 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial12 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red12. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon13 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial13 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red13. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon14 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial14 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red14. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon15 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial15 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red15. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon16 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial16 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red16. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon17 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial17 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red17. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon18 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial18 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red18. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon19 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial19 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red19. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon20 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial20 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red20. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon21 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial21 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red21. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon22 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial22 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red22. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon23 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial23 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red23. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon24 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial24 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red24. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon25 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial25 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red25. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon26 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial26 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red26. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon27 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial27 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red27. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon28 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial28 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red28. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon29 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial29 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red29. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon30 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial30 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red30. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon31 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial31 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red31. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon32 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial32 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red32. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon33 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial33 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red33. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon34 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial34 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red34. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon35 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial35 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red35. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon36 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial36 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red36. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon37 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial37 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red37. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon38 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial38 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red38. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon39 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial39 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red39. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (MeanWhichBalloon40 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial40 (ELSE=Copy) INTO Red40. END IF. EXECUTE.

  • This makes a variable for the number of pumps for each post-explosion balloon. It is first done for the blue baloons, then for the red.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt1 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon2 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial2 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_2_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt2 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon3 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial3 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_3_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt3 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon4 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial4 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_4_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt4 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon5 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial5 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_5_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt5 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon6 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial6 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_6_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt6 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon7 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial7 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_7_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt7 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon8 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial8 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_8_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt8 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon9 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial9 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_9_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt9 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon10 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial10 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_10_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt10 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon11 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial11 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_11_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt11 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon12 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial12 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_12_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt12 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon13 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial13 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_13_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt13 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon14 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial14 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_14_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt14 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon15 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial15 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_15_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt15 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon16 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial16 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_16_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt16 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon17 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial17 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_17_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt17 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon18 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial18 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_18_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt18 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon19 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial19 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_19_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt19 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon20 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial20 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_20_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt20 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon21 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial21 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_21_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt21 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon22 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial22 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_22_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt22 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon23 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial23 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_23_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt23 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon24 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial24 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_24_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt24 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon25 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial25 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_25_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt25 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon26 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial26 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_26_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt26 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon27 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial27 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_27_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt27 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon28 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial28 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_28_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt28 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon29 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial29 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_29_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt29 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon30 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial30 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_30_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt30 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon31 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial31 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_31_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt31 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon32 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial32 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_32_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt32 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon33 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial33 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_33_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt33 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon34 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial34 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_34_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt34 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon35 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial35 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_35_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt35 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon36 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial36 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_36_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt36 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon37 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial37 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_37_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt37 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon38 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial38 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_38_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt38 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon39 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial39 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_39_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt39 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon40 = 1). RECODE CountNumTrial40 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_40_Blue. END IF. EXECUTE.

  • This is the post-explosion variable for red balloons.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt1 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon2 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial2 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_2_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt2 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon3 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial3 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_3_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt3 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon4 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial4 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_4_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt4 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon5 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial5 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_5_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt5 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon6 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial6 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_6_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt6 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon7 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial7 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_7_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt7 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon8 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial8 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_8_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt8 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon9 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial9 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_9_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt9 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon10 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial10 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_10_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt10 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon11 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial11 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_11_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt11 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon12 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial12 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_12_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt12 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon13 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial13 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_13_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt13 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon14 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial14 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_14_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt14 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon15 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial15 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_15_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt15 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon16 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial16 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_16_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt16 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon17 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial17 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_17_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt17 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon18 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial18 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_18_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt18 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon19 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial19 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_19_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt19 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon20 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial20 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_20_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt20 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon21 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial21 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_21_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt21 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon22 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial22 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_22_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt22 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon23 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial23 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_23_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt23 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon24 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial24 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_24_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt24 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon25 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial25 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_25_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt25 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon26 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial26 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_26_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt26 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon27 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial27 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_27_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt27 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon28 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial28 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_28_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt28 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon29 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial29 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_29_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt29 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon30 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial30 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_30_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt30 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon31 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial31 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_31_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt31 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon32 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial32 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_32_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt32 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon33 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial33 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_33_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt33 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon34 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial34 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_34_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt34 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon35 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial35 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_35_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt35 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon36 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial36 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_36_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt36 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon37 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial37 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_37_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt37 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon38 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial38 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_38_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt38 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon39 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial39 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_39_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

DO IF (TotalExplodeAtt39 = 1 & MeanWhichBalloon40 = 2). RECODE CountNumTrial40 (ELSE=Copy) INTO afterExpl_40_Red. END IF. EXECUTE.

BART Create Primary Variables syntax only after missing variables have been defined.

  • !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Make sure to set -9998 as missing in SPSS for each variable in the dataset before you do the following total calculations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
  • This calculates total adjusted pumps for all trials that were not explosions (remember to define missing values beforehand for each CountNumTrial).

COMPUTE TotalAdjustedPumps=SUM (CountNumTrial1 , CountNumTrial10 , CountNumTrial11 , CountNumTrial12 ,

CountNumTrial13 , CountNumTrial14 , CountNumTrial15 , CountNumTrial16 , CountNumTrial17 , 
 CountNumTrial18 , CountNumTrial19 , CountNumTrial2 , CountNumTrial20 , CountNumTrial21 , 
   CountNumTrial22 , CountNumTrial23 , CountNumTrial24 , CountNumTrial25 , CountNumTrial26 , 
   CountNumTrial27 , CountNumTrial28 , CountNumTrial29 , CountNumTrial3 , CountNumTrial30 , 
   CountNumTrial31 , CountNumTrial32 , CountNumTrial33 , CountNumTrial34 , CountNumTrial35 , 
   CountNumTrial36 , CountNumTrial37 , CountNumTrial38 , CountNumTrial39 , CountNumTrial4 , 
   CountNumTrial40 , CountNumTrial5 , CountNumTrial6 , CountNumTrial7 , CountNumTrial8 , 


  • This calculates mean adjusted pumps for all trials that were not explosions (remember to define missing values beforehand for each CountNumTrial).

COMPUTE MeanAdjustedPumps=Mean (CountNumTrial1 , CountNumTrial10 , CountNumTrial11 , CountNumTrial12 ,

   CountNumTrial13 , CountNumTrial14 , CountNumTrial15 , CountNumTrial16 , CountNumTrial17 , 
   CountNumTrial18 , CountNumTrial19 , CountNumTrial2 , CountNumTrial20 , CountNumTrial21 , 
   CountNumTrial22 , CountNumTrial23 , CountNumTrial24 , CountNumTrial25 , CountNumTrial26 , 
   CountNumTrial27 , CountNumTrial28 , CountNumTrial29 , CountNumTrial3 , CountNumTrial30 , 
   CountNumTrial31 , CountNumTrial32 , CountNumTrial33 , CountNumTrial34 , CountNumTrial35 , 
   CountNumTrial36 , CountNumTrial37 , CountNumTrial38 , CountNumTrial39 , CountNumTrial4 , 
   CountNumTrial40 , CountNumTrial5 , CountNumTrial6 , CountNumTrial7 , CountNumTrial8 , 


  • This calculates the mean blue adjusted pumps.

COMPUTE MeanBlueAdjustedPumps=mean (Blue1,Blue2,Blue3,Blue4,Blue5,Blue6,Blue7,Blue8,Blue9,Blue10,



  • This calculates the mean red adjusted pumps.

COMPUTE MeanRedAdjustedPumps=mean (Red1,Red2,Red3,Red4,Red5,Red6,Red7,Red8,Red9,Red10,



  • This calculates the total blue adjusted pumps.

COMPUTE TotalBlueAdjustedPumps=SUM (Blue1,Blue2,Blue3,Blue4,Blue5,Blue6,Blue7,Blue8,Blue9,Blue10,



  • This calculates the total red adjusted pumps.

COMPUTE TotalRedAdjustedPumps=SUM (Red1,Red2,Red3,Red4,Red5,Red6,Red7,Red8,Red9,Red10,



  • This computes the mean adjusted pumps for each quartile (1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40) for the blue balloons.

COMPUTE Quart1BlueAdjustedPumps=Mean (Blue1,Blue2,Blue3,Blue4,Blue5,Blue6,Blue7,Blue8,Blue9,Blue10). EXECUTE.

COMPUTE Quart2BlueAdjustedPumps= Mean (Blue11,Blue12,Blue13,Blue14,Blue15,Blue16,Blue17,Blue18,Blue19,Blue20). EXECUTE.

COMPUTE Quart3BlueAdjustedPumps= Mean (Blue21,Blue22,Blue23,Blue24,Blue25,Blue26,Blue27,Blue28,Blue29,Blue30). EXECUTE.

COMPUTE Quart4BlueAdjustedPumps= Mean (Blue31,Blue32,Blue33,Blue34,Blue35,Blue36,Blue37,Blue38,Blue39,Blue40). EXECUTE.

  • This computes the mean adjusted pumps for each quartile (1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40) for the red balloons.

COMPUTE Quart1RedAdjustedPumps=Mean (Red1,Red2,Red3,Red4,Red5,Red6,Red7,Red8,Red9,Red10). EXECUTE.

COMPUTE Quart2RedAdjustedPumps= Mean (Red11,Red12,Red13,Red14,Red15,Red16,Red17,Red18,Red19,Red20). EXECUTE.

COMPUTE Quart3RedAdjustedPumps= Mean (Red21,Red22,Red23,Red24,Red25,Red26,Red27,Red28,Red29,Red30). EXECUTE.

COMPUTE Quart4RedAdjustedPumps= Mean (Red31,Red32,Red33,Red34,Red35,Red36,Red37,Red38,Red39,Red40). EXECUTE.

  • This calculates the mean post-explosion pumps for the blue balloons.

COMPUTE MeanBlueAfterExpl=mean (afterExpl_2_Blue,afterExpl_3_Blue,afterExpl_4_Blue,afterExpl_5_Blue,

   afterExpl_16_Blue,afterExpl_17_Blue,afterExpl_18_Blue,afterExpl_19_Blue,afterExpl_20_Blue, afterExpl_21_Blue,


  • This calculates the mean post-explosion pumps for red balloons.

COMPUTE MeanRedAfterExpl=mean (afterExpl_2_Red,afterExpl_3_Red,afterExpl_4_Red,afterExpl_5_Red,



  • This calculates the ratio between mean adjusted red pumps to blue pumps, higher numbers mean the pumps are similar for the two colors.

COMPUTE RatioMeanRedtoBlueAdjPumps=MeanRedAdjustedPumps / MeanBlueAdjustedPumps. EXECUTE.

  • Compute Standard Deviation of Blue Pumps in balloons that didn't explode

COMPUTE SDofBlueBART=Sd (Blue1,Blue2,Blue3,Blue4,Blue5,Blue6,Blue7,Blue8,Blue9,Blue10,Blue11,Blue12,



  • Compute Standard Deviation of Red Pumps in balloons that didn't explode

COMPUTE SDofRedBART=Sd (Red1,Red2,Red3,Red4,Red5,Red6,Red7,Red8,Red9,Red10,Red11,Red12,Red13,Red14,



  • Compute standard deviation of blue pumps after explosions*

COMPUTE SDofBlueAfterExplosions=Sd (afterExpl_2_Blue,afterExpl_3_Blue,afterExpl_4_Blue,



  • compute standard deviation of red pumps after explosions

COMPUTE SDofRedAfterExplosions=Sd (afterExpl_2_Red,afterExpl_3_Red,afterExpl_4_Red,afterExpl_5_Red,



  • Compute the standard deviations of the blue quartiles

COMPUTE SDofBlue1=Sd (Blue1,Blue2,Blue3,Blue4,Blue5,Blue6,Blue7,Blue8,Blue9,Blue10). EXECUTE.

COMPUTE SDofBlue2=Sd (Blue11,Blue12,



COMPUTE SDofBlue3=Sd (Blue21,Blue22,Blue23,Blue24,Blue25,Blue26,



COMPUTE SDofBlue4=Sd (Blue31,Blue32,Blue33,Blue34,Blue35,Blue36,Blue37,Blue38,Blue39,Blue40). EXECUTE.

  • Compute the standard deviations of the red quartiles

COMPUTE SDofRed1=Sd (Red1,Red2,Red3,Red4,Red5,Red6,Red7,Red8,Red9,Red10). EXECUTE .

COMPUTE SDofRed2=Sd (Red11,Red12,Red13,Red14,



COMPUTE SDofRed3=Sd (Red21,Red22,Red23,Red24,Red25,Red26,Red27,Red28,Red29,Red30). EXECUTE .




  • Compute standard deviations for blue and red balloons on first and second half of test

COMPUTE SDofBlue1stHalf=Sd (Blue1,Blue2,Blue3,Blue4,Blue5,Blue6,Blue7,Blue8,Blue9,Blue10,Blue11,Blue12,



COMPUTE SDofBlue2ndHalf=Sd (Blue21,Blue22,Blue23,Blue24,Blue25,Blue26,



COMPUTE SDofRed1stHalf=Sd (Red1,Red2,Red3,Red4,Red5,Red6,Red7,Red8,Red9,Red10,Red11,Red12,Red13,Red14,



COMPUTE SDofRed2ndHalf=Sd (Red21,Red22,Red23,Red24,Red25,Red26,Red27,Red28,Red29,Red30,



  • This calculates total explosions

COMPUTE TotalExplosions=SUM (TotalExplodeAtt1, TotalExplodeAtt2,TotalExplodeAtt3,TotalExplodeAtt4,TotalExplodeAtt5, TotalExplodeAtt6,TotalExplodeAtt7,TotalExplodeAtt8,TotalExplodeAtt9,TotalExplodeAtt10,TotalExplodeAtt11,TotalExplodeAtt12,TotalExplodeAtt13,TotalExplodeAtt14, TotalExplodeAtt15,TotalExplodeAtt16,TotalExplodeAtt17,TotalExplodeAtt18,TotalExplodeAtt19,TotalExplodeAtt20,TotalExplodeAtt21,TotalExplodeAtt22,TotalExplodeAtt23, TotalExplodeAtt24,TotalExplodeAtt25,TotalExplodeAtt26,TotalExplodeAtt27,TotalExplodeAtt28,TotalExplodeAtt29,TotalExplodeAtt30,TotalExplodeAtt31,TotalExplodeAtt32, TotalExplodeAtt33,TotalExplodeAtt34,TotalExplodeAtt35,TotalExplodeAtt36,TotalExplodeAtt37,TotalExplodeAtt38,TotalExplodeAtt39,TotalExplodeAtt40). EXECUTE.

  • Compute the SD of blue pumps divided by the mean adjusted blue pumps

COMPUTE SDblueByMeanBlue=SDofBlueBART / MeanBlueAdjustedPumps. EXECUTE.

  • Compute the SD of red pumps divided by the mean adjusted red pumps

COMPUTE SDredByMeanRed=SDofRedBART / MeanRedAdjustedPumps. EXECUTE.

Text file scoring method:


TotalAdjustedPumps: adjusted pumps for all balloons for whole task. MeanAdjustedPumps: mean adjusted pumps for all balloons for whole task. SDAdjustedPumps: sd of adjusted pumps for all balloons for whole task. MeanRedAdjustedPumps: mean adjusted pumps for red balloons. SDRedAdjustedPumps: sd of adjusted pumps for red balloons. MeanBlueAdjustedPumps: mean adjusted pumps for blue balloons. SDBlueAdjustedPumps: sd of adjusted pumps for blue balloons. RatioMeanRedtoBlueAdjPumps: ratio of mean red adjusted pumps to mean blue adjusted pumps. Higher numbers indicate more similarity in pumps between the red and blue balloons (lower means the opposite). Quart1RedAdjustedPumps: mean of the adjusted pumps of the red balloons on trials 1-10. Quart2RedAdjustedPumps: mean of the adjusted pumps of the red balloons on trials 11-20. Quart3RedAdjustedPumps: mean of the adjusted pumps of the red balloons on trials 21-30. Quart4RedAdjustedPumps: mean of the adjusted pumps of the red balloons on trials 31-40. Quart1BlueAdjustedPumps: mean of the adjusted pumps of the blue balloons on trials 1-10. Quart2BlueAdjustedPumps: mean of the adjusted pumps of the blue balloons on trials 11-20. Quart3BlueAdjustedPumps: mean of the adjusted pumps of the blue balloons on trials 21-30. Quart4BlueAdjustedPumps: mean of the adjusted pumps of the blue balloons on trials 31-40. MeanRedAfterExpl: mean adjusted pumps on red balloons immediately after an explosion on the preceding trial. MeanBlueAfterExpl: mean adjusted pumps on blue balloons immediately after an explosion on the preceding trial. TotalPointsSession: total points earned over the entire session. MeanRT: Average RT on all button presses (i.e., pumps and cashouts) MedianRT: Median RT on all button presses (i.e., pumps and cashouts) SDRT: Standard Deviation of RT on all button presses (i.e., pumps and cashouts) MeanRTRed: Mean RT on all red balloon presses (i.e., red balloon pumps and cashouts) MeanRTBlue: Mean RT on all blue balloon presses (i.e., blue balloon pumps and cashouts) RedExplosions: Total number of Red balloon explosions: BlueExplosions: Total number of Blue balloon explosions: Coefficient of Variation: SDAdjustedPumps / MeanAdjustedPumps Coefficient of Variation- red balloons: SDRedAdjustedPumps / MeanRedAdjustedPumps Coefficient of Variation- blue balloons: SDBlueAdjustedPumps / MeanBlueAdjustedPumps

History of Checking Scoring

  • Andy Dean independently checked Stone’s results in 2009 and 2010 and found his results to be accurate.
  • In April 2011, Andy Dean and Eugene Oh checked Stone’s results a second time. All results were accurate, except for two issues. 1) The BART_RatioMeanRedtoBlueAdjPumps variable was being scored incorrectly by Stone’s script. He fixed this error and it is now identical to that determined independently. 2) The BART_TotalPointsSession variable (the total points earned over the task) was found to be inconsistent with adjusted pumps. While this variable should be the total adjusted pumps multiplied by 5, in many cases it was not. This was determined to be an error in the calculation of explosion trials. In the eprime program, if the participant presses the “cashout” key at the exact same time that the explosion algorithm indicates the balloon should explode, that trial is still coded as an explosion in the explosion column (ExplodeAtt = 1), but it is correctly NOT coded as an explosion in the calculation of points earned (the presentation to the participant is also correct). Thus, when using the ExplodeAtt variable to determine which balloons actually exploded, the variable needs to be adjusted so that cashouts which occurred instantaneously with ExplodeAtt = 1 are NOT considered explosion trials (this calculation must also account for the participant’s handedness which determines which key is used for cashouts and pumping). In June and July 2011 Andy Dean worked with Stone and the CNP scoring script is now correct.
  • In July 2011 Andy Dean worked with Stone to add variables which computed how many trials were completed by the subject (BART_TRIALCOMP) and how many times the participant cashed out without pumping at all (BART_CASHOUTWOPUMP). These variables can be used to exclude potentially problematic particpants.
  • In July 2011 Andy Dean found that a handful of participants had data that was outside the range of possibility on the task (e.g., more explosions than possible, more mean pumps than possible, etc.). Stone Shih determined that this was due to duplicate data for these and other cases. The following LA2K participants had duplicate data removed from the system in July 2011: 10421, 10445, 10478, 10484, 10506, 10566, 10575, 10595, 10668.
  • In May 2012 Andy Dean found an error in which, for a subset of participants (N ~ 236), the Trials Completed variable = 1, even though other variables (e.g., pumps, number of explosions) suggested that the task was completed (in which case Trials Completed should = 40). Andy worked with Stone Shih and they determined it was a coding error. This error was fixed.
  • In June 2012 Andy Dean produced the figures and tables below and found all results to be accurate.

Data Distributions

Frequency of cashing out without pumping


The following data consists of healthy control subjects who completed the study, were not flagged, completed the BART, and had fewer than 3 cashouts without pumping




Relationships between demographic characteristics and mean adjusted pumps (both balloons)



Dean, AC, Sugar, C, Hellemann, G, & London, E (2011) Is all risk bad? Young adult cigarette smokers fail to take adaptive risk in a laboratory decision-making test. Psychopharmacology [Epub ahead of print]

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