Young Mania Rating Scale

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Young Mania Rating Scale

Basic Characteristics

  • Description

The Young Mania Rating Scale (MRS) is an 11-item clinician administered scale. All items are multiple choice and scores range from 0-56. A rating og 12 or above is considered either hypomanic or manic. Each item is given a severity rating of either 0-8 or 0-4. Items for the scale were selected baesd upon core symptoms of mania. The specific items include: elevated mood, increased motor activity, sexual interest, sleep, irritability, speech (rate and amount), language-though disorder, content, disruptive-aggressive behavior, appearance, and insight. Scores for each item are to refelct the severity of that particular abnormality in that patient. Ratings are generated from a clinical interview that typically lasts for 15-30 minutes. The scale is used to assess manic symptoms and is based on a patient's subjective report of his/her clinical condition over the previous 48 hours. The MRS does not assess for depressed mood. Much of the research generated by the MRS is concerned with Bipolar Disorder.

  • History
  • References

Bishop et al. 2008. A review of risperidone for the treatment of pediatric and adolescent bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. PMCID PMC2515898

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