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Basic Characteristics

  • Description

The Social Communication Questionnaire is a 40 item yes/no questionnaire that was developed to be a secondary screening tool for Autism. The SCQ is meant to be completed by the primary caregiver. However, recently interest has developed for studying the use of the SCQ as a primary screening tool. It is based on the ADI, a more thorough diagnostic tool. The SCQ is suggested for use in people above 4 years of age but specifically for those between the years of 4-5. The SCQ is not appropriate for people with a mental age younger than 2.

The SCQ questions deal with reciprocal social interactions, language and communication, repetitive and stereotyped behaviors. 1

  • History


The score ranges between 0-32 for people who cannot communicate using language and 0-39 for those who can. Anyone receiving a score of 15 or higher should be referred to a specialist to undergo diagnostic testing.

The cutoff score of 15 has been suggested to balance the tradeoff between specificity and sensitivity. 1

Psychometrics (validity and reliability)

Studies with various populations have come up with differing sensitivities and specificities depending on the cutoff score. Hanson et. al. found a specificity of 0.41 and a sensitivity of 0.68 in a group of 42 children in an age range between 1.5-4.5 years.

Another study with 293 children where 230 had already been diagnosed with ASD showed that the SCQ had a specificity of 0.87 and a sensitivity of 0.62. Thus, the SCQ may be good at screening out non-autistic children but tends to have a fair amount of false negatives, particularly with children with higher IQ scores or mild symptoms. Lowering the cutoff score to 12 improves sensitivity but increases false positives.2

One study which studied the SCQ in a population of children with special needs with and without ASD, and also in a general population of children had a specificity of 0.72, a selectivity of 0.85, a positive predictive value of 0.64, and a negative predictive value of 0.91 with a cutoff score of 15. Both populations were school age. 3

The SCQ has been translated and validated with a German population sample, and has strong discriminating power between those with ASD and those without in a primary school age group of children. 4


1.Eaves et. al. Screening for autism spectrum disorders with the social communication questionnaire.J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2006 Apr;27(2 Suppl):S95-S103 PMID 16685191

2. Mulligan et. al. The Social Communication Questionnaire in a sample of the general population of school-going children.Ir J Med Sci. 2009 Jun;178(2):193-9 PMID 18651205

3. Chandler et. al. Validation of the Social Communication Questionnaire in a Population Cohort of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2007 Oct;46(10):1324-32. PMID 17885574

4. Bolte et. al. The Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ) as a screener for autism spectrum disorders: additional evidence and cross-cultural validity. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2008 Jun;47(6):719-20. PMID 18496329

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